NAZARETH : A small village in Galilee where Jesus spent 30 years in the simplicity of everyday life.
A place that made a strong impression on Charles de Foucauld, who marvelled at God’s love at the time of his conversion. He wanted to respond to this love by the gift of his whole life, after the model of Jesus, whom he calls “his Beloved”, and whom he sought to imitate in Nazareth.
" Throughout his life, the Spirit called him to proclaim the Gospel " through his life, and this w"as to lead him across the desert, in search of the most destitute people, for whom he felt an ever growing love. To have companions was his lifelong yearning.
He died alone, December 1st 1916
After him, many disciples set out to follow Christ in the spirit of Charles de Foucauld. Among them, the JESUS CARITAS fraternity, founded by Marguerite Poncet and a few of her friends in 1953.
These persons, scattered over the five continents want to follow Jesus in his love for the Father and for their fellow men, especially the most destitute. They come from a variety of social and professional backgrounds, but they want to respond to the Lord’s call:” Come and follow me”, as lay people, in ordinary life. This life may seem insignificant but it is close to that of many of our contemporaries, and it may speak of the Good News, because it is focused on Jesus.